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Archiving ID checks

If you are manually reviewing failed or verified ID check photos as part of your order fulfillment workflow, you may want to remove already manually reviewed checks from your ID check timeline in the app.

This is where archiving ID checks comes in handy. You can archive ID checks you have already reviewed, and they'll be removed from the home page of the app.

This allows you to clean up your already viewed ID checks, while still keeping their results.

Only show archived ID checks

In the home page, select the Archived filter to only show ID checks that have been archived. From this view, you can also unarchive one or more ID checks using the bulk selection tool.

How archiving ID checks cleans up the home page of the app


Archiving ID checks does not delete photos, data or modify tags in any way.

Archiving only affects how the ID check is shown in your dashboard when you first open Real ID.

How to archive an ID check

You can archive ID checks from either the ID check details page, or from the home page itself.

When viewing a specific ID check, you can archive it in the top menu of the page:

Archiving a single ID check

Archiving multiple ID checks

You can archive multiple ID checks at once on the home page. Click the checkbox next to each ID check you'd like to archive, then click the Archive Check button in the toolbar to archive them all at once:

Archiving multiple ID checks at once

How to unarchive an ID check

From an individual ID check, you can unarchive using the top menu of the ID check:

Unarchiving an ID check

Unarchiving multiple ID checks

You can also unarchive multiple ID checks with a single click. First apply the Archived filter in the top right of the toolbar, then click on each checkbox next to the ID check you'd like to unarchive.

Finally, click Unarchive Checks to unarchive all selected ID checks.

Unarchiving multiple ID checks at once


Don't forget to apply the Archived ID check filter before attempting to unarchive the checks, otherwise the Unarchive button will not appear.